-Junghoon Park, Sangbum Lee, Sejong Oh, "Clustering and R * Value-Based Evaluation Measures of Feature Subset for Health Informatics" Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 452-458, 201803

-SeongJae Kim, KyongJin Cho, Sejong Oh, "DegoViz: An Interactive Visualization Tool for a Differentially Expressed Genes Heatmap and Gene Ontology " APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, -, 201706

-Somyung Oh, Junghyeon Ha, Kyungwon Lee, Sejong Oh, "Development of machine learning models for diagnosis of glaucoma" PLOS ONE, -, 201705

-Sejong Oh, "시설재배를 위한 지능정보시스템의 설계" 디지털융복합연구, 183-190, 201702

-Sejong Oh, "다차원 데이터 평가가 가능한 개선된 FSDD 연구" 디지털융복합연구, 247-253, 201701

-Sangbum Lee, Sejong Oh, "Development of a library with feature selection algorithm based on microarray gene expression dataset for biomarker identification" International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics, 93-110, 201610

-Songlu Li, Sejong Oh, "Improving feature selection performance using pairwise pre-evaluation" BMC BIOINFORMATICS, 1-13, 201608

-HyungJin Mun, Sejong Oh, "Injecting Subject Policy into Access Control for Strengthening the Protection of Personal Information" Wireless Personal Communications, 715-728, 2016.08

-Sejong Oh, "Boosting Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction Using Pre-evaluation" ETRI JOURNAL, 206-215,2016.02

-Sejong Oh, "Whole Genome Re-Sequencing of Three Domesticated Chicken Breeds" Zoological Science, 73-77,2016.02

-Sejong Oh, "ETS family protein GABP is a novel co-factor strongly associated with genomic YY1 binding sites in various cell lines" Genes&Genomics, 119-125,2016.01

-Sejong Oh, "Improving classification accuracy based on class-space reduction" International Journal of Information and Communication Technology, 10-25,2016.01

-Sejong Oh, "Divide and Merge Classification for High Dimensional Multi-Class Datasets" Journal of Artificial Intelligence, 10-16,2015.10

-Sejong Oh, "Improving Discretization by Post-Processing Procedure", International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 414-421,2015.04

-Youngbok Hong, Sejong Oh, "Genome-Wide Association Study of Hepatitis in Korean Populations", Genomics & Informatics, 203-207,2014.12

-Sumin Oh, Sejong Oh, "Epidemiological and Genome-Wide Association Study of Gastritis or Gastric Ulcer in Korean Populations", Genomics & Informatics, p127-133,2014.12

-Nomin Batnyam, Ariundelger Gantulga, Sejong Oh, "An Efficient Classification for Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Dataset" Computer and Information Science, Vol.493, pp171-185, 2013.05.

-Bunheang Tay, Jung Keun Hyun, Sejong Oh, "A Machine Learning Approach for Specification of Spinal Cord Injuries Using Fractional Anisotropy Values Obtained from Diffusion Tensor Images", Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, p276589-1-276589-8,2014.01.

-Minseok Seo, Sejong Oh, "A novel divide-and-merge classification for high dimensional datasets" Computational Biology and Chemistry, Vol.42, pp.23-34, 2013.02.

-Jimin Lee, Sejong Oh, "RFS: Efficient feature selection method based on R-value" Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol. 2013.02.

-Minseok Seo, Sejong Oh, "CBFS: High performance feature selection algorithm based on feature clearness" PLoS ONE, Vol.7(7), pp.1-10, 2012.07.

-Nomin Batnyam, Sejong Oh, et al., "UniPrimer: A Web-Based Primer Design Tool for Comparative Analyses of Primate Genomes" Comparative and Functional Genomics, vol.2012, pp.1-8, 2012.05.

-Jinseo Park, Sejong Oh, "A New Concave Hull Algorithm and Concaveness Measure for n-dimensional Datasets" Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol.28(3), pp.587-600, 2012.05.

-Minseok Seo, Sejong Oh, "Derivation of an artificial gene to improve classification accuracy upon gene selection" Computational Biology and Chemistry, Vol.36, pp 1-12, 2012.02.

-Sejong Oh, A new dataset evaluation method based on category overlap, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol. 41(2), pp.115-122, 2011.02

-Batnyam Nomin, Jimin Lee, Jungnam Lee, Sejong Oh, Kyudong Han and Seung Bok Hong "UniPrimer: a web-based primer design tool for comparative analyses of primate genomes.", Comparative and Functional Genomics(accepted)

-Jinseo Park, Sejong Oh, "A New Concave Hull Algorithm and Concaveness Measure for n-dimensional Datasets", Journal of Information Science and Engineering,

-Sejong Oh, "A new dataset evaluation method based on category overlap", Computer in Biology and Medicine ELSEVIER, vol.41, pp.115-122, 2011

-Sejong Oh, "New role-based access control in ubiquitous e-business environment", Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol 21(5), pp607-612, 2010.10

-오세종, "단백질 3차원 구조 비교 관찰 도구의 개발", 한국산학기술학회논문지, 제10권 6호, pp1399-1406, 2009.

-Sejong Oh, "New role-based access control in ubiquitous e-business environment", Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Springer, 2009

-Sejong Oh, Changwoo Byun, and Seog Park, "An Organizational Structure-Based Administration Model for Decentralized Access Control", Journal of Information Science and Engineering, vol.22, no.6, pp.1465-1483, 2006.11.

- Changwoo Byun, Sejong Oh, and Seog Park, "OS-DRAM: A Delegation Administration Model in a Decentralized Enterprise Enironment", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.593-604, 2006.6.

- Sejong Oh, Ravi Sandhu, and Xinwen Zhang, "An Effective Role Administration Model Using Organization Structure", ACM Transactions on Information and System Security, Vol.9, No.2, pp.113-137, 2006.5.

- Sejong Oh, "New Concept of Authority Range for Flexible Management of Role Hierarchy", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS3786, pp.343-353, 2006.1.

- Sejong Oh and Seog Park, "Task-Role-Based Access Control Model", Information Systems, Vol.28, Issue.6, pp.533-562, 2003.9.

- Sejong Oh and Seog Park, "An Improved Administration Method on Role-Based Access Control in the Enterprise Environment", Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol.17 No.6, pp.921-944, 2001.11.

- Sejong Oh and Seog Park, "Task-Role Based Access Control (T-RBAC): An Improved Access Control Method for Enterprise Environment", Lecture Note in Computer Science 1873, Database and Expert Systems Applications, Proc. Of 11th International Conference, DEXA 2000. 2000.9.

- Sejong Oh and Seog Park, "An Integration Model of Role-Based Access Control and Activity-Based Access Control Using Task", Proc. of 14th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Database Security, 2000.8.

- 오세종, "시각장애인을 위한 전자지팡이의 설계", 한국산학기술학회논문지, 제9권 5호, pp.1260-1264, 2008.10

-오세종, “다중 접근제어 모델을 위한 Java 라이브러리의 설계및 구현”, 한국산학기술학회논문지, 제8권 6호, pp1394-1401, 2007.12

-오세종, "자바 애플리케이션을 위한 역할기반 접근제어 패키지의 설계및 구현", 한국산학기술학회논문지, 제7권 제6호, pp1134-1141, 2006.12.

-오세종, 이상범, 김태귀, 박성진, "휴대용 임베디드 기기를 활용한 멀티미디어 교육용 시스템의 설계 및 구현", 한국산학기술학회논문지, 제7권 제4호, pp608-615, 2006.8.

- 오세종, "효과적인 역할계층 관리를 위한 기본 무결성 규칙", 한국정보처리학회 논문지 C, 12-C권 제7호, pp981-988, 2005.12.

-오세종, "역할기반 접근제어 환경에서 접근권한 기반의 임무분리 모델", 한국정보처리학회 논문지 C, 11-C권 제6호, pp725-730, 2004.12.

-오세종, 박제호, "유비쿼터스 컴퓨팅 환경에서의 접근제어 모델을 위한 요구사항 분석", 한국정보처리학회 논문지 A, 11-A권 제7호, pp563-570, 2004.12.

- 오세종, 김우성, "ARBAC과 위임 정책의 통합 관리 모델", 한국정보처리학회 논문지 C, 11-C권 제2호, pp177-182, 2004.4.

-오세종, 박석, "Web 환경에서 역할기반 접근제어(RBAC)의 적용에 대한 연구", 한국정보과학회 데이타베이스 연구회지, pp17-25, 2000.8.

- 오세종, 박석, "기업환경을 위한 과업-역할기반 접근제어 모델", 통신정보보호학회논문지, 11권 1호, 2000.2.

-오세종, 박석, "Web 환경을 중심을 한 RBAC의 연구동향", 통신정보보호학회회지, 1999.6.

- 오세종, 이충화, 장명석, "CIM 환경하의 경영관리 시스템 개발", 제어.자동화.시스템공학논문지, 1권 2호, pp.55-62,1995.9.