[ CBFS ]

High performance feature selection algorithm based on feature clearness

1. Introduction
The goal of f eature selection is to select useful features and simultaneously exclude garbage features from a given dataset for classification purposes. This is expected to bring reduction of processing time and improvement of classification accuracy. In this study, we devised a new feature selection algorithm (CBFS) based on clearness of features. Feature clearness expresses separability among classes in a feature. Highly clear features contribute towards obtaining high classification accuracy. CScore is a measure to score clearness of each feature and is based on clustered samples to centroid of classes in a feature. From the experiment we confirm that CBFS is more excellent than up-to-date feature selection algorithms including FeaLect . We also suggest combining CBFS and other algorithms to improve classification accuracy. CBFS can be applied to microarray gene selection, text categorization, and image classification.

2. Supplementary Materials
Click here to see the algorithms: CScore, CBFSinteraction, CBFSexact, and R-value.

3. Usage
More informations are included in information.txt about input data & output data format.

how to excute the program for making new dataset 
1. Download the CBFS.zip file.
2. This file has *.class, information.txt, Training_duke.csv, and Run.bat included.
3-1 How to use this program?

First, Open the information file. This file have a input-file name.
Second, save the information file.
Finally, after save the information.txt file, excute the Run.bat at the ("cmd.exe", windows command line)
we can get a feature list in perfect descending order

4. Download

The CBFS.zip file contents:
Class File
- CBFSorg.class
Executable File
- run.bat 
Input File
- information.txt

5. Reference
(to be added)
