1. Introduction
DAMC-MC is a method contains both feature selection and classification
scheme. It can be applied for any classification algorithm. The divide-and-merge technique is a
technique which deals with problem in a way to separate the problem into multiple task and work
on each separated problem.
Then merge solved separate problem to make a final decision.
2. Method
Steps of DAMC-MC classification:
- Prepare class-adjusted datasets from the original dataset(the left
side of Figure 1 )
- Apply feature selection and make feature-selected datasets (the right
side of Figure 1 )
- Calculate support degrees of each class using new datasets. (Figure 2
and 3 )
- Merge support degrees and decide the class of the unclassified instance.
 Figure 1. Prepare
class-adjusted datasets from the original dataset
 Figure 2. Calculating
support degree for each class and merge process
 Figure 3. An example
of calculating support degrees
3. Programs
Folder description:
- DamClassifiers.java
- FeatureRanking.java
- FeatureScoring.java
- kfoldTestDAMC.java
- kfoldTest.java
- parameter.txt - User defined txt File
- runDAMC.bat - executable Batch file
- parameter.txt file contains user defined variables
Note: put the numbers after each colon in each line
line 1: NO_OF_FOLD: [number of fold]
line 2: NO_OF_REPEAT: [number of repeat for Kfold test]
line 3: CLASSIFIER: [KNN-1, KStar-2, SVM-3, NaiveBayes-4,
line 4: FEATURE_SELECTION: [Relief-1, GrainRatio-2, FS-SVM-3,
line 3: SELECTED_FEATURE: [number of selected feature]
line 4: KNN: [number of nearest neighbors for KNN
- runDAMC.bat file executable batch file
Format of Execution:
java kfoldTestDAMC [input data file]
- normal: Contains Normal classification and
Feature selection methods
- Classifiers.java
- FeatureRanking.java
- FeatureScoring.java
- kfoldTestNormal.java
- parameter.txt - User defined txt File
- run.bat - executable Batch file
DAMC-MC and Normal methods use these packages. You should put them into C -> Program
Files -> Java -> JRE -> lib -> ext.
- dataset: Contains 10 datasets: 5 Gene
expression and 5 other biological data
Gene expression datasets: GDS1027, GDS2545, GDS2546, GDS2547, GDS3715
Other biological datasets: DLBCL, Lung, MLL, multi_tissues, SRBCT
- Dataset should be .csv format.
- Only numerical vaule is allowed for dataset.
- First column of dataset should be class(category) data and shold have continuous value
beginning with 0.(0,1,2,3,...)
4. Results of Classification test using
Normal and DAMC-MC methods
The numbers 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40 in the tables denote the number of selected features for
the test. The 'Normal' column means the normal feature selection method, which does not
apply the DAMC approach.
*** Contact email: sejongoh @ dankook . ac . kr